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Wednesday 12 December 2012

It's time to search for X'mas gifts

Ding Dong Ding Dong...
You'd better watch out, you'd better not cry
You'd better not pout, I'm telling you why

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Christmas is just around the corner. Santa claus, decorations, Chritmas trees, Christmas Songs, candies, pressies & not to forget our lord Jesus =D Everybody loves X'mas!!

 I went to Wondermama @ Bangsar Village for lunch Yesterday. It was my first time to try out on this restaurant.
It is located besides of Plan B (just opposite to Starbucks).  So after my lunch, I went to Bangsar Shopping Centre to search for gift ideas for my besties =D

Nasi Lemak 2.0 : Fried Chicken, Sotong with Petai, Boiled egg, Ikan Bilis ( My favourite),  peanuts

I love the fried chicken and the sotong!! The fried chicken was superb and juicy and the taste of the Sotong was so fresh. 

Beef Fried Rice: Yummylicious taste. Topped with Beef Bacon =)

Cendol : Gula Melaka, Cendol, Red bean. It's recommended to those whom like gula melaka =D

Decoration with real flowers <3

It's the time to search for X'mas gifts after my lunch. I went to L'ERBOLARIO (Italy brand) @ Bangsar Shopping Centre (BSC) to try to get suitable products as x'mas gift. 

Finally i decided to buy these presents for my darlings and we will be having a lunch session and gift exchange session on this Saturday ^^

This one is for Jenn Jenn. 
And this one is for Jeng Jeng =)

L'Erbolario signature wrapping services are complimentary for Christmas! That's why I choose their products as the x'mas gifts. <3
These are some of the promotion items. 

I am looking forward to the Pre-Celebration of X'mas on this Saturday with my loves at Daorae and wish everyone "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year" in advance!

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